Your Free Mini-Reading is Ready
Deirdre Jayko
Dear {{first_name}},

Thank you for connecting with me. Your outreach has not gone unnoticed and you may be surprised to find yourself sitting at the edge of great transformation. Your life, despite the many challenges you face, is ready to begin a new road, a Transit Period, and I hope you grab the opportunity. The changes to come may be instant, but you won’t know until you take a step inside...

Read on my friend, and prepare yourself for this incredible "transit.” Your journey begins soon.

Your Astrologer, 

From the Desk of Deidre
You may be aware that a time of profound importance - your Transit Period - could enter into your life as soon as {{MMMM}} {{Do}}, {{YYYY}}.
When your Transit Period begins, you will have a chance to reach for greatness, and attract ABSOLUTE ABUNDANCE where you feel most challenged in life.

When this time approaches, dark clouds can part and the divine light can shine through, granting you CLARITY about your path to LUCK AND HAPPINESS, particularly in regard to LOVE and ABUNDANCE.

{{first_name}}, you may already feel the vibrations of this Transit Period now! You made a great decision asking for my help, and at the exact right time, too.

An extraordinary combination of events is required to bring about a Transit Period, including the position and influences of the great and awesome planet: Jupiter

{{first_name}}, your numerology character based on when you first contacted me is: [1]
You are an individual! Unique and authentic, you are courageous and bold in your approach to life. Your journey will see you along the road to inspiration, and you will discover the value of your personal charisma. Your first instruction is to rise up into yourself without leaning on others for support. When you learn to do this, you will transition into the next phase of your life path number: leadership. 

You are destined to lead, and you will have many moments to apply this ability in life. Your unwavering spirit, and profound determination will serve you well in your travels. You will realize great success in any career path that allows you to act on your creative ideas and exciting spirit.
I’ll tell you the rest in a moment. For now just know that it’s truly rare to recognize when one stands on the brink of extraordinary transformation.
When you requested your reading, it revealed something important about you -- that you are ready to pivot in life and finally open yourself to love and abundance. You have great potential locked away deep inside of you, and it screams to be set free, because it knows that NOW is the time for release! But I should warn you, there may be some trouble in your future. I’ll tell you more about that shortly.
Again, as promised, your Mini-Reading is fully prepared and waiting for you.
This Free Mini-Reading can draw a clear portrait of where you SHOULD be along life’s travels right now, but will not reveal important dates and decisions of your Transit Period. (Your TRANSIT PERIOD GUIDE is a lighthouse to help you find your way back home in these often dark and troubling times).
Though there is no certain way to know how many people my guidance has affected around the globe (More on that in a bit), all that matters is that your reading can affect you right now!
Bear in mind, your takeaways will work best when you are authentically in touch with your deepest self. Your birth patterns reveal curious truths about who you really are on the inside, and until you connect with those truths, you may find these revelations quite ambitious. But when you recognize that you’ve been blocking yourself from your GREATER POTENTIAL - you can start to see how your Transit Period can raise you up to the highest places. 
Basically, a certain fog may have blanketed you since childhood, and it’s possible that your problems, especially where finances are concerned, could have been the result. If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll find you are already aware of this truth somewhere deep inside, and this can affect your life presently too.
Outside influences may create living anomalies that form a wall between your present essence and your GREATER SELF as you will discover in your Free Mini-Reading.
What’s important is that there IS something you can do about this. Even more importantly is that you DESERVE to do this for yourself.

I'll explain more shortly, but for now, it’s time to dive into your Free Mini-Reading.

{{first_name}}'s Free Mini-Reading

{{first_name}}, you seek answers to certain questions that trouble you in the course of your life. They’re questions you’ve likely asked yourself for a good amount of time. You’re engaged in the world, and you’re optimistic about your future, and you’re always on the lookout for ways to improve your situation and surroundings.
So let’s start by describing the traits of a psychological profile, and the characteristics that are most important when taken as a whole (individually, these traits may seem meaningless, but in your particular situation, their cumulative effects explain a great deal about your life): 

Grounded, intelligence, tenacious, warm-hearted, energetic, ambitious, simple, aesthetic… and it’s worth mentioning, quite Lucky. A natural luck beams down on you like the sun’s warm rays, and it could change everything if you knew how to tap into it!

Love - Emotions

Love’s role in your life is profound and you carry a great deal of gratitude and wisdom on your shoulders. You constantly do things worthy of earning happiness, and you’d love to share that with your partner. You’re searching for desire and a sense of passion in your loved one’s eyes, and you want them both directed toward you. But tread with caution and avoid taking your own desires too far, or that passion could turn into a terrible jealousy. Jealousy will crack the glass window your luck wants you to create.

Here is some useful advice to help you along your way: be persistent in your love life, and don’t let strangers in who might harm you, never talk about your issues with those you don’t completely trust, and be sure those you let around you also surround you with a sense of tranquility in regards to issues of the heart, since they are yours to know alone.

Social Life

You have a magnetic personality that doesn’t need to cling to superior authorities. Trust in your ideas and have faith in your own ambitions. Keep a strong back and head and always persevere, and you will walk your path without problems, even in the most chaotic and dangerous times.

Social Life

You have a magnetic personality that doesn’t need to cling to superior authorities. Trust in your ideas and have faith in your own ambitions. Keep a strong back and head and always persevere, and you will walk your path without problems, even in the most chaotic and dangerous times.


Your golden number is 3, the number of luck of generations. Use the number 3 regularly for matters of importance. For instance, when you set up an important date, consider an appointment time of 3pm on the 3rd day of the month. When you ride with others, be the 3rd person to get in the vehicle etc.

When you have dream premonitions - and you should! - 2 is your number of choice. It can also be lucky for financial situations and during travel. Also, 19, your happiness number, can be used to stave off untimely misfortunes.

For best effect, use these numbers as often as possible. Luck can do many things for you, and your personal intuitive intelligence will carry you through the rest.

So Where Do You Go From Here {{first_name}}?

We’re center stage in a time of Great Transformation, and opportunities abound, so you need to take advantage, and you can do that without going out of your way. Your future is primed for something amazing in all areas of your life including your emotions, happiness and beyond. A Great Harvest is coming and you stand at the front of those who will benefit whether you get my help or not.


You have a hidden potential locked deep inside of you. It has always been there and it allows you to make something of your luck. That hidden potential is a burning white contrast to the challenging life you currently lead, along with the negative black energies that may be ruthlessly affecting you in the now.

The good news is you can learn to unlock your potential and overcome these difficulties and other financial stresses that hover over you like a dark cloud.

Here’s why...
Venus and other planets that knock into your Destiny, can imbue you with Lucky Power beyond your wildest dreams.

By now this should have worked in your favor several times over in various areas of your life. But maybe that isn’t quite the case.

Obviously you’ve had moments of happiness and good times. But you might feel that you’re lacking when it comes to the coin landing heads up in many important areas. Wouldn’t you agree?

You have had times of luck and joy along your journey. But SOMETHING MAY BE BLOCKING YOU FROM TAKING FULL ADVANTAGE OF YOUR RIGHTFUL LUCK and you feel it continuously passes you by.

Without a doubt there have been MOMENTS FOR ENORMOUS GAINS THAT WERE POSSIBLE FOR YOU on numerous occasions, but maybe it seems like there is a wall standing in your path just between where you are and your success on the other side.

As it is now, you live in the moment, never really knowing the outcomes of your tomorrows.
Unfortunately, that can lead to low self-confidence, which can further lead to poor choices that have dire outcomes.

You wouldn’t be at fault for thinking this is your doing. But that isn’t entirely true!
Everything you need to succeed is within you, and it’s possible certain universal events have bumped into you, forcing your hand to lift the wrong card - cards of bad luck instead of great fortune (especially in regards to the missing abundance in your life).

Never say, “I’ve never been lucky, and never will because I attract bad luck… I’ll be stuck here forever!”

Believe me, this is NOT you, and I say that based on all of my years of experience in the field!
Happiness is yours by right! And you should know the truth. 

Your astral chart shows no unlucky stars. You only need to follow THE PATH OF HAPPINESS AND LUCK as suggested by your master planets, which will soon begin to influence your future… assuming you know how to call upon them for aid.

I wish you would have requested your reading sooner. You could be enjoying the many fortunate events that have bypassed you.

⭐ But it isn’t too late!

Because your TRANSIT PERIOD WHICH IS RAPIDLY FOLLOWING COURSE is unique when the cosmic bodies of your Astral Chart sync with each other in ways that put your life on “overdrive.”

Have you ever noticed how people can have inconsistent luck?

You’ll either hear them talk about their “lucky streak” or how things have “really gone downhill lately.”
Well, that’s because everyone’s cosmic bodies are CONSTANTLY MOVING, flowing in and out of alignment with one another. Such an incredible number of factors come into play that you can think of it like trying to solve a most complicated Chinese puzzle.

Everyone goes through an “astral puzzle” not knowing which way to turn the pieces so they click into place. Some people get lucky and make some progress with their puzzle, yet other times they just twist up their minds as they have a period of bad luck until a “new puzzle” (a new phase of cosmic alignment) begins.

But every great once in a while, an entity will adapt the PUZZLE UNLIKE ANY OTHER. Many people never really discover this moment of opportunity, but most people will pass through it at least once in their lifetime.

The puzzle’s secret is found deep in the understanding of each Transit Period. In fact, this is a moment where those enlightened few can find “true love,” or land that big raise, or close a huge sale or INSTANTANEOUSLY COME UPON IMMEASURABLE ABUNDANCE that lifts them up - regardless of where they’ve been or how things have gone before.

It takes a rare individual to complete the puzzle, but the odds alone make it possible, and there are always a handful who do complete it and suddenly find themselves LIVING THEIR TRUEST DREAM LIFE...having realized their Infinite Destiny.

Recall Susan Boyle on America’s Got Talent… Deprived of oxygen at birth and left with learning disabilities. Bullied at school. Her mother passed in ‘97, and neighbors claimed she stayed locked up in that house not responding to anyone for several days. A seemingly terrible fate for a seemingly mundane and routine woman.

But then her moment came. Her cosmic bodies aligned and luck shown its light down upon her. She didn’t get promoted or find her soul mate, but by the power of luck, she finished the puzzle by pure chance and rose to INTERNATIONAL FAME AND CELEBRITY STATUS! She went on to become the best-selling debut album for a female artist… EVER. She found her Infinite Destiny, and has lived her TRUEST life of dreams ever since.

Ask and you shall receive your own Transit Period Guide to Luck and Happiness, custom prepared for you. Your Transit Period is almost here, and I can grant you a personalized “Transit Period Guide” to light your path, the one you must embark upon when your time comes to face your Puzzle of Destiny.

When you think about it, it’s what we all want…!

Clearly profound change can happen, and that’s why you must request your own Transit Period Guide NOW rather than later.

I know you’ve had similar experiences in life. Moments when you were going the wrong way. Walking a harder path. Times when you realized there was a gap between your desires, and the life you actually had.

And I also know that you know you are capable of so much more, if only you were given the chance.

 Now is your chance!

But you MUST take action! This isn’t the time to wander or wonder or ponder. Like the many opportunities you’ve let pass you by before, this too will leave you with regret if you don’t take it! It’s so important I will offer your reading at a far MORE REASONABLE investment than what I ask my in-person clients because I know the truth behind your eyes…

That said, I can ONLY offer this to you if you DO NOT SHARE your discounted offer with anyone else. This is a one-time offer for you alone.
I give this offer to you now, so take advantage of it! Your Transit Period won’t last forever. It won’t even last very long. Please don’t sit on this!


You showed up just before the start of an epic Transit Period. Maybe it was coincidence… but I’d suggest there’s a good chance it’s something more, that comes from a HIGHER ASTRAL PLANE...

You most likely have a strong intuition that guides you. You’re generous and kind, BUT others can demand too much of you, without realizing how destructive their requests may be.

So Where Do You Go From Here?



  • First, you should know that there is no special requirement for us to meet in person in order for me to help you.
  • I’ve helped hundreds of wandering souls, like you, that carried heavy burdens with luck, love, or money, without us ever meeting in a live setting.
  • When you get your reading it will guide you to AVOID PROBLEMS that could come to pass by taking CERTAIN ACTIONS that will allow you to transform those situations from negative into positive.
  • ​You must pay attention to this period which can transform your life. The only thing you have to do to enjoy 100% the opportunities presented in this moment of luck, is act in accordance with the times I direct you toward.
  • ​When you follow the advice properly, your situation can drastically change almost instantly.
  • ​But be cautioned… There are always speed bumps you need to avoid. You must be vigilante in this matter.
  • ​Negative patterns can attract anti-luck trends, which can stop you from applying my suggestions. If that turns out to be true for you, I will guide you so you STAY ON TRACK to persist with your progress and journey.
  • ​I’ll also guide you to the decisions you’ll need to make (during moments of opportune luck) to ensure your personal destiny goes forward directly toward the revelation of your optimum happiness.
  • ​How can I be so confident about your future? Because I’ve seen seen so many times how planetary alignments that control our fate operate much like a clock strikes 3 after each full rotation.
  • ​Trust me, it’s of utmost importance for you to realize the events that will manifest for you in the months that follow, and I’m happy to share more about them.

Here's what I am offering to do for you:

  • The second I receive your urgent request I will be summoned and within 48 hours I will send your TRANSIT PERIOD GUIDE FOR LUCK, HAPPINESS, AND JOY so that your next 12 weeks become one of the most profound moments of your life.
  • The secrets revealed in this thorough reading have nothing to do with anything you may have been told in the past about your future. When you request your Transit Period Guide, you will receive a detailed, and more complete document than any spiritual advisor has ever offered you before.
  • What I’m saying is, yes you may have unresolved problems in life right now, but everything can change nearly instantly if you take advantage of these opportunities and approach them with a sense of real perspective and transparency.



Exact steps to approach your lucky periods during the next 12 weeks (these are the "shifts" you must make in order to reveal LUCK, LOVE AND ABUNDANCE).

The CHALLENGES YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST AVOID (the pivotal points at which one wrong move spells certain and total disaster!).

Which periods are most desirable for you in the areas that interest you deeply, including DATES OF LUCK, LOVE, AND OPPORTUNE ENCOUNTERS. Plus there’s more...

Your reading also contains detailed guidance for precise situations you can encounter in your home life, and also in your relations with people. I will help you surmount any feelings of isolation, and I will also guide you to cleverly avoid any troublesome influences that have prevented you from tapping into the happiness and joy you absolutely know you deserve.
I will instantly share additional resources FREE OF CHARGE just for you. They are from my personal selection of best beginner student guides, and they are YOURS as a gift of my belief in you, when you prove you are ready today...
Note: To eliminate shipping expenses, I will give these to you in digital form so you can download them directly and enjoy them instantly!

These volumes are priced over $230 in my private shop,
but you will get all 5 OF THEM COMPLETELY FREE when you take my hand today to defeat the misfortunate influences that follow you, and head toward a new era of joy and discovery by unlocking the power of your personal Life Force inside!

Each Of The Bonus Ebooks Above Are Yours, Free!


Understanding the Influences of the Zodiac




The Art of Astrology




Accessing Your Higher Self with Tarot Cards




Numerology to Uncover the Secrets to Success




101 Power Moves to Unleash Your Inner Power




And the only thing required to finally bring this reality to life for you is to complete the information and return it to me today.
Do this right now. This is your moment and it’s up to you to take it.
You know another chance like this won’t come around so easily. This is it. Your moment to discover exciting revelations about your personal truth and your destiny.
Never take a Transit Period lightly.
Be honest with yourself.

Wouldn’t you agree that IT WOULD BE A GREAT TRAGEDY NOT TO GRAB YOUR DESTINY AND THE POSSIBILITIES IT HOLDS just like you always have before...simply because you failed to act...again.

This can be on its way to you...


You will be able to see with great clarity what you need to do to create rapid transformation very soon.
When it happens, you will see your life changing in the ways you imagined, as if watching a movie play out that you control, and all you must do is follow the day-by-day steps inside your personalized Transit Period Guide…

And when you begin to see those changes, you will look back and thank your former self for placing your trust in me and bestowing this gift upon yourself which has so profoundly changed your life.
I believe in you...



{{first_name}}, your reading can deliver you the clarity you’ve searched for so long. Day-by-day you can transform.

Deeply and forever,

Deidre Jayko
Disclaimer: By participating in reading my services you acknowledge that I am not a licensed psychologist, lawyer, or health care professional and my services do not replace the care of lawyers, psychologists, or other healthcare professionals. Tarot and numerology are in no way to be construed or substituted as psychological counseling or any other type of therapy or medical advice. I will at all times exercise my best professional efforts, skills, and care. However, I cannot guarantee the outcome of reading efforts and/or recommendations on my website and my comments about the outcome are expressions of opinion only. I cannot make any guarantees other than to deliver the services purchased as described. All my readings are intended for entertainment purposes only and may not be unique.
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